All Lichen Planus Lesions Healed Incredibly With Homeopathy At Life Force

Lichen Planus is a chronic, autoimmune, and non-contagious skin condition. In this condition, the inflammation of the skin cells occurs that leads to flat purplish skin lesions which are itchy and can cause bleeding after scratching. Lichen planus results due to immunological factors, stress, certain medications, and trauma.
Homeopathy is very effective in treating this condition which heals the disease from within by increasing the immunity of the body. Here is a case of lichen planus which was treated effectively with homeopathy.
A 20-year-old female patient from Mumbai, Ms. T. P. (PIN: 33910) visited and started treatment at Life Force Homeopathy on 7th October 2017. She presented with the complaint of flat red purplish eruptions on the skin present for 4 months. Her condition was diagnosed as Lichen Planus. She had a history of steroidal suppression for the last 4 months. She presented with the symptoms of multiple red purplish lesions on her legs, buttocks, back, and wrist with itching and oral cavity lesion with burning pain.
Physically, she was obese, and her weight was 92.3 kgs. She had an average appetite and a craving for spicy and junk food and paneer. She had an aversion to vegetables. Her thirst was average. And, she was intolerant to the hot weather. Her menses were regular, and her sleep was sound.
Mentally, she was very reserved, gentle, mild, and independent. She never expressed her feeling in front of anyone. She had financial worries. She did not want to be a burden on her father, and so she used to take educational classes at home.
She had suffered from Chickenpox at the age of 4-5 years and measles at the age of 9 years. Her maternal grandfather was having Diabetes, and her maternal grandmother was having urticaria.
After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based homeopathic medicines along with some dietary tips to the patient.
In her first follow-up, the lesions were slightly increased all over because of the steroid withdrawal effect.
At the follow-up on 4th April 2018, the lesions over her thighs, buttocks, lower back, wrist, and oral cavity were almost 75% to 80% cleared, except for the lesions over the legs that were slightly aggravated. New lesions were appearing. 
In the consecutive follow-up, her lichen planus lesions were healing. Her lesion would get aggravated when she would suffer from stress. 
On 26th August 2019, all her eruptions were almost 75% to 80 % cleared. No new spread of the disease had occurred. No new lesions had appeared. Only a few active lesions were left. 
At the follow-up of 4th March 2020, all her lesions had 100% cleared. Only the hyper-pigmented marks were left and those were fading gradually. Her skin has overall improved with the medicines. She is overall better with the medicines.
The patient thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for treating her and improving her health. She has experienced an immense relief in the skin condition successfully so stopped the treatment and is doing well.
This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating rapidly spreading chronic lichen planus incredibly and safely without any side-effects.

-Written by Dr. Akanksha Kharote, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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