Research-Based Homeopathic Medicines Treated Allergic Rhinitis Effectively

43-years-old Mr. MSA (PIN 30288) visited Life Force’s Thane clinic for the treatment of his sciatica and allergic rhinitis.

His complaints of allergic rhinitis had started in 2003. He used to suffer from running nose and sneezing daily in the morning. His complaints used to increase with every change in the weather and in the extreme cold weather. In acute episodes, he used to suffer from running nose, continuous sneezing, and nose block. He used to take conventional treatment if the episode of rhinitis happened to be quite severe.

The patient also suffered from the associated complaints of sciatica that had started 4 years back. He used to suffer from the pain in his lower back and left buttock that used to radiate to his left leg.

Patient shared a past history of epilepsy that had started in his childhood for which he took conventional treatment. He mentioned that the last episode of epilepsy was in 1994. 

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His mother was hypertensive. His father suffered with cancer of bladder and was diabetic too.

Mr. MSA liked non-vegetarian food more than rest foods. He was sensitive to the cold weather.

He was working with one of the global business solution companies. His wife worked with Tata Motors. He had two sons and a daughter and all his 3 children were studying. Emotionally, he was very stable and had an extrovert kind of personality. Earlier, he used to burst out with anger but over a period of time, he improved his coping skills.

His case was evaluated as per the homeopathic protocols. He was prescribed with Dr. Shah’s patented medicines along with a constitutional medicine.

On 3rd December 2016, the patient visited for his first follow-up. He had experienced a great relief from the complaints of allergic rhinitis. The patient reported around 50% relief from running nose, sneezing, and nose block. The intensity of running nose and sneezing in the morning had reduced significantly. Dr. Shah prescribed the medicines after reviewing the follow-up.

In February 2017, the patient reported around 75% improvement in his relief from the complaints.

In March 2017, Mr. MSA reported 80% improvement in the relief from running nose, sneezing, and nose block. The patient was happy after taking homeopathic medicines prescribed by Dr. Shah.

In May 2017, the patient mentioned further improvement in the relief from allergic rhinitis. The frequency and intensity of the running nose and sneezing have reduced drastically. The patient mentioned that his immunity has improved a lot and his sensitivity to change of weather has reduced significantly.  He is still continuing our medicines for further improvement. Dr. Shah’s patented research-based medicines helped Mr. MSA in improving his quality of life to a great extent.


This case highlights that in long-standing allergies, when patient becomes resistant to anti-allergic medicines and patient’s suffering continues, properly selected homeopathic medicines improve the immunity and healing mechanism of the body and ultimately help in improving the quality of life of the patient to a great extent.


  • Written by Dr. Aparna, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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