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Case Studies

Mrs. T.G. aged 29 years (Patient Identification Number 10279) was suffering from hair fall. Her hair fall started after delivery and was not recovering naturally. She was loosing her hair drastically which had further worsened after she suffered from Jaundice. Her hair was thinning day by day. She w.....Read more

A 50-year-old male (PIN: 40157) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of migraine on 14th May 2019.

The patient had been suffering from a migraine for the last 25 years. He was experiencing continuous throbbing pain in the head and ringing in the ear.....Read more

21 year old male, K. K. C. (Patient reference number S5218) reported to the clinic for complaints of genital lesions since the last 7 months. He has developed multiple large, reddened, cauliflower-like, fleshy growths all around the shaft of his penis. These lesions had been increasing in size an.....Read more

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