Case-2: Difficult conditions like Polymyositis effectively treated with Homoeopathy

A (Patient Ref. No. S-2024), 14 years old female, Miss S. N. A. was brought to the clinic by her parents for complaints of progressive weakness of the limbs since childhood. She was unable to climb stairs and unable to get up from the ground without support of a stool that was at least 2 feet tall. She also had the tendency to fall occasionally when walking and experienced marked difficulty in running. She had weakness of arms which made it difficult for her to lift heavy objects. She also had weakness of neck and trunk muscles and there was diffuse wasting of the limbs. His serum CPK level was 623 (N: 24- 190). EMG study was strongly suggestive of a myogenic lesion (Primary muscle disease) and the Nerve conduction study was normal. Serum calcium level was also below normal (7.9 mg/dl). Muscle power on examination was moderately reduced in all four limbs, especially proximally. She had been diagnosed as Polymyositis by her Neurophysician and he had advised her a course of steroids.

She also had complaints of frequent colds which she would get every 2-3 months.

She was a lean thin girl with generalized emaciation. Her appetite was normal and she had craving for pungent foods. She disliked sweets and milk. She would sweat profusely and was sensitive to cold in general. Her bowel and bladder functions remained normal. Her menses were regular but scanty and painful. She would get sound sleep and her dreams would be pleasant and she would often dream of decorating her house.

Her family included her parents and 2 elder brothers. She was a very pleasant child by nature. She was very expressive but would remain quiet most of the times. She was obedient and sympathetic.

There was no history of any major illness that she had suffered from in the past. Her mother had been operated for goiter and also had congenital ptosis. Her grandfather had suffered from a cerebro-vascular accident that had led to paralysis.

Based on the above history she was prescribed Causticum 200 repeated twice daily with intercurrent doses of Carcinosin and Syphillinum that were used from time to time. At the end of about one year of treatment she reported to have better mobility and it was easier for her to get up from the sitting position from the ground. Her disease had not progressed any further as this had been halted by the medication. She would not fall down while walking as frequently as before. She would be able to get up from the stool without support. The weakness of her arms and legs improved over a period of time and she became much less dependant on others for managing her activities. She continued treatment for a long time for significant improvement of her symptoms. Her muscle enzyme levels were repeated from the time to time and it showed improvement over a period of time as charted out below:
CPK: Normal levels: 24- 190 IU/ L

CPK level (IU/ L)

This case illustrates to us that how even difficult conditions like Polymyositis can be effectively treated with Homoeopathy. This case shows us that even though such conditions cannot be cured completely, yet we can halt the progress of the disease in such (progressive) conditions. The patient may not be able to lead a completely normal life yet he can develop the ability to carry on his day-to-day activities without much dependence on others for the same. And all this can be achieved without putting the patients on steroids which carry so many side-effects and put the patients into a cycle of dependence on steroids.

Remark: The remedy prescribed in these cases is patient-specific i.e. it has been prescribed based on the symptoms specific to the patient at that point of time. It is advisable that the patient does not indulge in any self-medication.

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