Case-3: Writing skills and trembling improved with homeopathy

Muscular dystrophyForty three years old senior executive banker, Mr. A. K. R. visited Life Force on 6th April 2011. His patient identification number is 15758. He had found about Dr. Shah's medicines for his condition on internet. He was residing in Jaipur, India.

He was suffering from Muscular Dystrophy of mild form since more than 20 years. He had difficulty in writing and holding pen in right hand. The grip was also weak of right hand as compared to left hand. There were no complaints in legs or walking. He had done a nerve conduction test, which had been normal. He had taken few conventional medicines in the past for a month, but did not find any relief.

He was also suffering from Cervical Spondylitis since more than 20 years. He would occasionally feel giddiness and vertigo. The tingling and numbness was prominent in right hand. The X ray done in 2009 diagnosed it as reduced space in C6 and C7 vertebrae.

He had history of injury to right knee 20 years back, for which an injection was taken. His right-sided weakness had started since then.

He also had anxiety issues with sleeplessness and depression. He would get anxious before writing anything due to his weakness of right hand.

He was taking homeopathic medicines from a local doctor since 2 months but the results were unsatisfactory.

His diet was vegetarian. He had an average appetite. He liked salty things. He would perspire on palms and soles. He was intolerant to warm temperature. He was flabby and stout in appearance.

He was the regional head in an esteemed bank. His wife was a homemaker. His daughter was studying in 10th grade and son was in 4th grade. They were staying as a nuclear family.

He was introvert and ambitious regarding his career. He liked perfection in his work and hence was conscious about his weak hand and writing. He was worried about his illness and family. He preferred solitude because of this illness and often would feel embarrassed in front of seniors for the same. He had not disclosed regarding his illness in office.

He had suffered from typhoid at 7 years of age.

His father suffered from diabetes and had undergone angioplasty.

He was prescribed few research-based medicines by Dr. Shah.

He reported on 15th May with 20 Ð 30% improvement in muscle strength of right hand. His writing speed had also increased due to this improvement. In anxiety he felt mild improvement in relation to negative thoughts. He still had the low confidence before any important presentation. His sleep would remain disturbed. He had been on conventional medicines for high blood pressure. The rotation and spinning had also reduced considerably. He did not require taking tablet vertin.

In his next follow up of 13th September he reported no further improvement. The muscular strength in the right hand was same. The anxiety and sound sleep was same. The rotation and spinning in head had increased. He had to take tab vertin on many occasions. He would feel trembling in hands while writing. His prescription was upgraded by Dr. Shah.

On 12th November he gave the feedback online for next prescription. His sleep was improved by 30%. His trembling and writing skills were improved by 60%. The power had also improved. His confidence of writing in front of anybody had also improved. He felt 25% improvement in his anxiety. He had shifted his job to a different bank and shifted to Kolkata.

He reported on 13th January 2012 with no complaints in his writing skills and trembling. He would only get mild trembling when in stress. The rotation feeling and anxiety were same. The lack of confidence during stress and important presentation was also same.

He continued with the medicines for other complaints.

Uploaded on 7th February 2014 by Dr. M. N. P.

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