Case-1: Homeopathy helps in stress induced hypertension

36 year old patient, Mr. A. A. (Patient reference number L 8354) reported to the clinic with a complaint of hypertension for 3 years. He had been on anti-hypertensive medication but in spite of this, his systolic pressure would remain high, about 150 mm hg, and his diastolic pressure would be around 90 mm hg. His pressure would become even worse with stress and due to lack of sleep. He had been prescribed anxiolytics for the same but without much improvement. He did not have any other complaints besides this.

He was a vegetarian with a normal appetite. He was extremely fond of spicy food and was averse to sweets. He would sweat profusely and his perspiration would be offensive. He would not be satisfied with his bowel movements. His sleep would be much disturbed and he would often dream of death.

He was an electrical engineer and stayed with his wife in a joint family. He said that had begun to lose confidence in himself due to his complaints. He would think negatively about most things and would constantly brood about the same. He had become irritable and would express his anger only if the opposite person was younger than him. He had a marked fear of death, especially since he had developed hypertension. He would prefer to be in the company of people and would not be able to stay alone. He would enjoy reading and go out.

He had suffered from frequent colds and tonsillitis in his childhood. Besides he had also developed a tuberculous infection in the past for which he had received  Anti-tuberculous treatment but it had again relapsed a few years later. He had also suffered from typhoid and malaria in the past. Amongst his family members, there was no history of any major illness except that his mother had developed hypertension in the last 1 year.

His ECG was normal and the Stress test response was within normal limits i.e. the test was negative for induced ischemia. He was 167 cm tall and weighed 52 kilograms. His blood pressure (measured in the Right arm) was 150/100 mm hg in the supine position.

Based on the above history he was started on a drug that has been developed at Life Force for the treatment of hypertension. His medicine was continued along with his antihypertensive medication for the initial 5 weeks. After his pressure started coming under better control, his anti-hypertensive was tapered; first, the dose was reduced, and later it was to be taken only on alternate days. The medication was continued on similar lines as he continued to show good improvement. Gradually his anti-hypertensive was tapered further and later stopped. He was asked to get his blood pressure monitored regularly and it would remain around 140/80 mm hg. After further medication for about another 2 months, his treatment was concluded. Thus 6 months of regular treatment brought his BP under good control, and he also felt much more relaxed as compared to before.

This case illustrates that Homeopathy can definitely play a good role in the treatment of disorders like hypertension, especially stress-induced hypertension and can control the pressure effectively even when conventional medicines cannot do much.

Remark: The remedy prescribed in these cases is patient-specific i.e. it has been prescribed based on the symptoms specific to the patient at that point of time. It is advisable that the patient does not indulge in any self-medication.

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