Case-1: Homeopathy gives a new life to the patient, in true sense.

    Fourteen years old girl Ms S.A. was brought to Dr Rajesh Shah on 14th February 1998, from a small village called Sawantwadi, for the treatment of Muscular Dystrophy. Her patient Identification number is S-2024.

    She was a confirmed case of Muscular dystrophy along with polymyositis, confirmed by a team of neuro-physicians.

    Parents and the child gave history. She was not able to get up from lying down or sitting position since birth. She had never gotten up. She will require a support of a stool or chair to get up. She has weak muscles of lower limbs and hands. She would tend to fall if not supported. Her weak hands will not allow her to hold any object, not even a glass of water.

    Her case was studied and evaluated by Dr Shah. Her family was small, consisting of parents and two brothers. Her father was working in PWD, government job. One brother was an engineer, doing a job in Mumbai.

    Her birth was normal. Her other milestones were normal. Her appetite was good, she started getting her menses at 13 years. She did not have strong likes or dislikes about food.

    She was a pleasant, talkative and expressive child.

    Her family history suggested that her mother had hypothyroid and ptosis; while grandfather had some form of paralysis. There was not family history of polymyositis or muscular dystrophy.

    She was investigated thoroughly at Jasalok Hospital. Her EMG was showing some deficits. Her CPK (Serum Creatine Phosphokinase) was 623 (High)(Normal limit15-30 units.)

    The neuro-physicians suggested no major treatment and said that the prognosis was very poor. Dr Shah also thought that she would not improve; but gave medicine to keep up the hope.


    This case was studied and followed up for a very long time. In fact she is still under care as on Jan 2014.

    She received a series of medicines during this period.

    We started her treatment with Causticum in various potencies. She was then prescribed Syphilinum in different potencies over the period of time.


    Very interestingly this patient's response and result in Muscular Dystrophy and Polymyositis have been phenomenal.

    She slowly and gradually responded to the treatment from the first month onwards.

    Her mobility, muscular strength and ability to do activities improved significantly.

    Her CPK kept improving slowly and steady, to the surprise of all the doctors, neuro-physicians and Dr Shah. We have all the records of this patient.

    Final outcome:

    This patient is now (Jan 2014) about 30 years old. She lives almost a normal life. She is fully mobile. She is able to sit, stand and walk! She is able to travel to her work place in auto-rickshaw. She needs no support for her day to day activities.

    Note: This amazing success with homeopathy in a difficult and complex neurological disease like Muscular Dystrophy associated with Polymyositis, shows the scope of homeopathy for such and other difficult diseases. It also gives a hope for those chronic diseases, which might be considered almost un-treatable.

    Homeopathy gave a new life to this patient, in true sense.

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