Appello all'introspezione e al risveglio

Ringraziamo il Dr Rajesh Shah che ci ha messo a disposizione con prontezza ed entusiasmo queste sue riflessioni pubblicate dalla rivista Homeopathic Links 4/2005 che spostano l'attenzione dagli attacchi esterni all'interno del mondo omeopatico, per evidenziarne i punti deboli e favorire l'evoluzione della Medicina omeopatica come Scienza.

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In this paper we present three cases treated successfully with the little-known remedy, Anantherum muricatum, one of the few grasses in our materia medica Clarke lists hydrophobia, sycosis and syphilis as falling within the clinical range of this remedy, so we can anticipate a deeply acting medicine.



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Industrious: A Repertorial Journey

The repertory is a treasure which helps us to enrich our knowledge of materia medica. It compels us to do comparative study of different remedies and as a result we understand the fine differences between them. The study of the repertory is never dry and never mechanical, on the contrary, it is most interesting and challenging. It is well illustrated in this article.

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An interview with Dr. Rajesh Shah

The homeopathic profession has taught me different things at different stages. In the very early years, it gave me a sense of exuberance on realizing that I had learnt a technique of healing which was a panacea!

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George Vithoulkas on Homeopathy

During George Vithoulkas's visit to Bombay in January 1994, Dr. Rajesh Shah interviewed him discussing various vital aspects of homeopathy practice. Following are some of the excerpts. Some more part of the interview will be published in the next issue.

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Bufo rana - A wonderful respiratory remedy

A detailed and thorough study of a case of Chronic Allergic Bronchitis had led me to prescribe Kali-carb for the patient. To my surprise, Kali-carb did not bring about satisfactory result. Whenever any thoughtful prescription fails, it gives an opportunity to think beyond the fixed norms. Failure in the above case compelled me to investigate the case further to examine remedies close to Kali-carb.

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Some Light on (Mis)Understanding of Aurum Metallicum

Aurum metallicum article

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Sympathy and Consolation

Let us study the meaning of sympathy and consolation; and individual response to the same with respect to several drug personalities in the materia medica. We shall try to understand the probable reasons why some remedies desire or dislike sympathy; in order to apprehend the significance of symptoms.

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Case Studies

A 14-year-old teenager from Illinois, USA, Mast. T.P. (PIN: 25503) reported to the Life Force clinic with a complaint of small bumps on his nose that were itchy. The lesions looked oily and bumpy like pimples that never went away, no matter whatever he tried. The inflammation would lead to an itc.....Read more

A 53-years-old lady, Mrs. A.A.S. (PIN 2972) consulted at Life Force on 22nd April 2017 with a complaint of urticaria. The patient was suffering from urticaria since two years. Her disease had progressed in the last two weeks. At the time of consultation, her thigh(Lt>Rt) and forearm were affec.....Read more

This is a case of a 13 yr old boy (Patient Pin No: L-6990) who complained of since the past 2 years.

The first appearance of Lichen Planus was in October 2004. The eruptions were located on both his legs, .....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr Shah

Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reduces Pain Intensity & Frequency of Attacks

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