Symptoms & Homeopathic Treament for Scalp Psoriasis

Psoriasis on the scalp is a common variant of psoriasis, which is relatively more difficult to treat as compared to one on the skin.

One may present with psoriasis only on the scalp or on the skin and scalp together. In many patients, scalp psoriasis exists for several years before it appears on the body. Many times, mild psoriasis on the scalp may be wrongly diagnosed and treated as dandruff.

In our experience, we have observed scalp psoriasis more in adults than in children. There is a rise in the diagnosis and detection of scalp psoriasis in early teens, in the last five-ten years. Even small kids can be affected. It is equally noticed in both sexes, with a slightly higher percentage in women than men.

Scalp Psoriasis: Symptoms:

Psoriasis on the scalp is slightly different than that on the skin. A patient may have psoriasis on the skin first and then the scalp may be affected, or both may be affected simultaneously.

Psoriasis on the scalp can be differentiated into three categories, mild, moderate and severe.

  • Mild cases: The first change noticed may be dryness in the scalp and hair. The hair may feel dry to touch. The second change seen is the development of dandruff. The patient may typically exclaim, "I thought it was dandruff!" In such cases, itching may be mild or moderate, which is more irritating and disturbing, in the initial stages.
  • Scratching leads to falling of fine dandruff on the neck and shoulders. The scalp itching is often awkward. The closest differential diagnosis at this stage is seborrhea dermatitis. In seborrhea the scalp is oily, and the dandruff is rather sticky, like sebum and yellowish. Scalp psoriasis is dry, silvery and scaly.
  • Moderate cases: This stage may be seen a few years after the start of psoriasis.

    The scalp may show single or multiple patches of scales. The scales may be white or silvery, moderately thick. There may be more concentration behind the ears, temples, occipital and parietal areas. Scales are visible and beneath and surrounding them, the scalp is reddish. 10-20 % of the scalp may be affected. The eyebrows, beard, may show patches of dandruff, dryness, and itching. Hair fall may be prominent.
  • Severe cases: In severe cases of scalp psoriasis, there are large crusty patches of scales all over the scalp. The scalp redness is very much marked and the scales and redness many times can be seen beyond the hairline, on the forehead, behind ears and on the back of the neck. Around 50-80 % or more area of the scalp may be affected.
  • The scratching and suffering are unbearable. The scalp may bleed on scratching.
  • There may be superadded fungal or bacterial infections.
  • If the patient does not have psoriasis on the body, after this stage, psoriasis generally spreads to other parts of the body.

Homeopathic treatment for scalp psoriasis:

Psoriasis on the scalp responds very well to homeopathy. The scalp redness reduces, the itching reduces and the scaling reduces. The recurrence is brought under good control.

Homeopathy treats psoriasis by correcting the internal immune imbalance, irrespective of the location of psoriasis. There are certainly more commonly used medicines especially when psoriasis affects the scalp.

The scalp psoriasis may respond slower, in comparison to psoriasis on the skin.

If a patient has psoriasis on the skin and on the scalp, the skin form responds earlier, the scalp psoriasis responds later, however, that is not a rule.

Homeopathy does not suggest any use of cortisone based medication for scalp psoriasis.

Other measures

Psoriasis patches in scalpSome patients have good relief by using scalp moisturizers; the best-being hair oil, some patients get severe discomfort by using hair oil. Each patient must use his or her own discretion.Tar shampoo and anti-dandruff shampoo are useful and can be used in association with homeopathic treatment.

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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