Prostatitis glossary: Prostatitis & Prostate Disorders

Acute: Having a sudden onset and (usually) a short, severe course

Antacid: A medicine that neutralizes or reduces acid in the stomach.

Anus: The opening at the end of the digestive tract where bowel contents leave the body.

Anal: Pertaining to the anus.

Autoimmune Disease: A disease caused by the body's protective mechanism becoming confused and attacking a part of the body that is not an invader.

Benign: Not malignant; noncancerous; benign growths do not generally spread to other organs or come back when they are removed.

Biopsy: A procedure where a small hollow needle is inserted into a suspicious body part in order to obtain a specimen for laboratory analysis. Usually used to check for the presence of cancer.

Bladder: The muscular bag in the lower abdomen where urine is stored. During urination, the bladder contracts to force urine out.

Catheter: A tube inserted through the penis to the bladder in order to drain urine from the body.

Chronic: Persisting over a long period of time

Cystoscope: A tube-like instrument used to view the interior of the bladder.

Ejaculation: Discharging semen from the penis during sexual climax.

Gland: An organ that makes and releases substances to other parts of the body.

Hematospermia: Blood in the seminal fluid

Hematuria: Blood in the urine

Hesitancy: Slowness to start urination

Histamine-2 (H2) Receptor Blockers: H2 blockers are the group of medicines that prevent histamine from binding to H2 receptors, leading to reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid. 

Hormone: A substance that stimulates the function of a gland.

Impotent: Unable to have an erection.

Incontinence: The inability to control urination.

Infection: condition resulting from the presence of bacteria or other microorganisms

Inflammation: swelling and pain resulting from irritation or infection

Nocturia: Waking up in the middle of the night to urinate

Obstruction: A clog or blockage that prevents liquid from flowing easily.

Palliative Treatment: Medical care which aims to reduce the symptoms without curing the patient

Perineum: The area between the scrotum and the anus.

Prognosis: A forecast of the course of a disease and future prospects of the patient

Rectum: The last part of the large intestine (colon) ending in the anus.

Reflux: Flowing back. Usually refers to the entry of urine into the prostate

Reproductive system: The bodily systems that allow men and women to have children.

Scrotum: The sac of skin that contains the testes.

Semen: The fluid containing sperm, which comes out of the penis during sexual excitement.

Sterile: Unable to father children.

Testes: The male reproductive glands where sperm are produced.

Testosterone: The male sex hormone. This hormone is produced mostly by the testes but the adrenal gland also produces a small amount. You need a supply to maintain your prostate's current size. Castration cuts off the major source of supply and results in shrinkage of the prostate so this is sometimes used to shrink or slow the growth of prostate cancer. Testosterone cannot be used directly by the prostate, however but must first be converted to Dihydrotestosterone by the action of a prostate enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase

Ultrasound: A type of test in which sound waves too high to hear are aimed at a structure to produce an image of it.

Urinary tract: The path that urine takes as it leaves the body. It includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

Urinalysis: Examination of the urine for abnormalities

Urination: Discharge of liquid waste from the body.

Urethra: The canal inside the penis that urine passes through as it leaves the body.

Void: To urinate

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Prostatitis Case Studies

A 51-year-old gentleman, Mr. S.K.A. (PIN: 37076) took online treatment for his long-standing problem of Prostatitis from Life Force Homeopathy on 8th June 2018. In his case history, he mentioned about his Prostatitis, which he was suffering from 2010, was recurrent in nature, and that he was on s.....Read more

A 46-year-old scientist working in BARC, Mr. K.D. (PIN: 9093) visited our clinic on 12th April 2017 for the treatment of Prostatitis. He presented with recurring urinary tract infections which he was suffering from the last 6 months. He would develop acute symptoms in every 3-4 weeks lasting for .....Read more

A 56-years-old male patient from Andhra Pradesh, Mr. R.N (PIN: 16899) had started online treatment on 6th September 2011 for his Prostatitis. He had grade 2 prostate enlargement with 40 ml post void residue for 3 years. He was suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections......Read more

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