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Case Studies

Parents of 8 months child (Patient Identification Number 15537) visited Life Force on 21st February 2011 for the treatment of their child for the complaints of loss of appetite (Anorexia), Sleeplessness and Frequent Colds.

The child had loss of appetite. He would have only few spoons fu.....Read more

A 34-year-old female from Punjab, Mrs. M.S. (PIN: 9509) started homeopathic treatment in April 2007 for her complaint of Lichen Planus. 

She was suffering from it for 8 months. She had developed spots on her hands, legs, back, and abdomen.  Multiple spots were present on her b.....Read more

Homeopathy effortlessly relieves the pain of Calcaneal Spur pain

Mrs. A. S., a fifty-nine-year-old housewife (Patient Identification Numb.....Read more

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A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

Explaining Hair loss, Alopecia Areata and Male Pattern Baldness treatment, by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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