Case-7: 8 months old babys sleeplessness improved with Homeopathy...

Parents of 8 months child (Patient Identification Number 15537) visited Life Force on 21st February 2011 for the treatment of their child for the complaints of loss of appetite (Anorexia), Sleeplessness and Frequent Colds.

The child had loss of appetite. He would have only few spoons full at a time and would be active for another 2-3 hours. His parents were very anxious as he was underweight.

He would not sleep much. He would sleep only for 6-7 hours in 24 hours and remain active throughout the day. There was no deep sleep. The child would get up with the slightest sound. The child would sleep for half an hour to one hour in the day time and then he would be overactive for another 2-3 hours. He would sleep in the night only for 4-5 hours.

He was also suffering from Frequent Cold. He would get this complaint mainly during weather change. There was watery discharge from nose with much sneezing. The colds would last for 7-8 days.

His appetite was diminished. His bowel and urination were normal. His milestones were normal.

His paternal and maternal grandmothers were Diabetic.

The child was playful. If he would demand for anything; it would be fulfilled at that time only otherwise he would take a long time to get pacified. His grasping power was very good. He would mingle easily with others.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed his research based medicines along with his constitutional medicines Lycopodium 30 C for 1 month.

After 1 month of medications his Anorexia and Sleeplessness slightly improved. Child’s sleep was sound.

After 3 months of medications his complaints were improving but at one point of time the condition were at a stand still and Dr. Shah made some necessary changes in his prescription.

After 6 months of medications there was much improvement noticed, all his complaints were better by 90%. The appetite had improved to a great extent and he had gained weight as well.

His sleep was also much better. He was sleeping for 10 -12 hours in a day. His frequent cold also improved significantly. The duration and intensity of cold attacks reduced considerably. Dr Shah has concluded the treatment and asked them to report as and when required.

Uploaded on 23 rd August 2011 by Dr. V.G

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