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Case Studies

A 35-years-old lady, Mrs. R.M, (PIN 10431) presented on 28th Feb 2008 at Life Force with the complaint of the pain in her right foot and left heel from the last one year. She was suggested X-rays and was thus diagnosed having Calcaneal Spur. She had pain, tingling sensation, and numbness more in .....Read more

54 yrs old female, Mrs. A.P. (L-10096), presented with severe form of right sided trigeminal neuralgia since December 2006. She had similar episode from 1991-1998. She had electric shock like pain from right cheek to right ear and occasionally to right temple, typical of TN. The pain was severe,.....Read more

74 years aged spinster K. C. (Patient Identification Number - 11924) visited Life-Force on 20th March 2009.

She was diagnosed with Non Thrombocytic Idiopathic Purpura 2 years ago. She would suffer from thin watery diarrhea 12 – 15 times a day which would last for 2 – 3 days......Read more

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Surgical conditions which can be helped with homeopathy, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

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