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Case Studies

A 49-year-old male, Mr. A.C (patient identification number-16013) visited Life Force Center for the treatment of Tinea versicolor. He was suffering from tinea versicolor on and off since the last 20 years. Now since 4 months it had again relapsed. The Tinea was localized on the groin and it prese.....Read more

Lichen planus (LP) is an idiopathic, cell-mediated immune disorder. It is a chronic systemic disease that commonly involves oral mucosa and skin lesions.  The clinical manifestations of LP have been described as the 6 Ps of Lichen planus, (Pruritic, purple, polygonal, planar, papules, and pl.....Read more

A thirteen-year-old boy H.B (Patient Ref No L-7850) reported to the clinic with complaints of Atopic Dermatitis on his face, cubital Fossa (front side of elbow joint), neck and elbows since childhood. However, his complaints had aggravated since six months.There was intense itching. There had not.....Read more

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Anxiety Neurosis

Homeopathy has not failed but some homeopaths have failed, says Dr Rajesh Shah

Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?

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