Asthma: Related conditions

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Occupational Lung Diseases
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – It includes chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive bronchitis, and emphysema) is a slowly progressive disease of the airways. It is characterized by a gradual loss of lung function.

Symptoms & Signs
The signs and symptoms of COPD include:

  • Cough
  • Sputum (mucus) production
  • Shortness of breath, especially with exercise
  • Wheezing (a whistling or squeaky sound when you breathe)
  • Chest tightness

The severity of the symptoms depends on how much of the lung has been destroyed. Continuing to smoke and exposure to cigarettes, noxious particles, acute infections and certain weather conditions can aggravate the symptoms.


  • Tobacco smoking – active and passive smoking
  • Occupational dust
  • Breathing in chemical fumes over long periods of time
  • Air pollution

Occupational Lung Diseases

It is a lung disorder characterized by attacks of difficulty in breathing, wheezing, cough, and excessive production of mucus which is caused by various agents found in the workplace. 
Some of the ailments coming under this are Occupational asthma, Industrial bronchitis, Silicosis, Asbestosis, Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis etc.


  • Cough
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling of tightness in chest

There are many triggering factors at work which induce an asthma attack.

Common are those which include protein:

  • Grain Dust
  • Wood dust
  • Animal Dander
  • Fungi

Commonly Di-isocyanates

People who are at high risk are:
Plastics workers, Metal workers, Bakers, Millers, Farmers, Grain elevator workers, Laboratory workers, Woodworkers, Drug manufacturers, Detergent manufacturers etc.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening condition in which inflammation of the lungs and accumulation of fluid in the air sacs (alveoli) leads to low blood oxygen levels. The fluid buildup also makes the lungs heavy and stiff, and the lungs' ability to expand is severely decreased. Symptoms usually develop within 24 to 48 hours of the original injury or illness. ARDS often occurs along with the failure of other organ systems, such as the liver or the kidneys. Cigarette smoking may be a risk factor.


  • Shortness of breath
  • Labored and rapid breathing
  • Low blood pressure accompanied by shock (organ failure)

It can be caused by any major lung infection or injury. 
Common causes:

  • Pneumonia
  • Trauma
  • Aspiration of vomit
  • Septic shock
  • Chemical inhalation


Infection of the lungs (both or single) caused by either bacteria, virus or fungi is known as pneumonia. Pneumonia can range from very mild to very severe, even fatal. Pneumonia can be a serious and life-threatening infection, especially in the elderly, children, and those that have other serious medical problems such as COPD, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, because the immunity is already reduced in these persons as a result of the already present illness.

Symptoms & Signs

Main symptoms

  • A persistent cough with greenish or yellow mucus; occasionally the sputum is bloody
  • Fever with chills and rigors (shaking)
  • Sharp or stabbing chest pain which is worse while breathing deep or while coughing
  • Rapid and shallow breathing
  • Shortness of breath

Additional symptoms

  • Headache
  • Excessive sweating and clammy skin
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion in older people


  • The most common cause of a bacterial pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumonia.
  • Hemophilus influenza is a bacterium that often causes pneumonia in people suffering from a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or alcoholism.
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia This bacterium is the principal cause of many cases of pneumonia in the summer and fall months and is often referred to as "atypical pneumonia."
  • Viral pneumonia These pneumonia usually resolve over time with the body's immune system fighting off the infection.
  • Fungal infections that can lead to pneumonia include actinomycosis, nocardiosis, histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis, blastomycosis, aspergillosis, and cryptococcosis.
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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Asthma Case Studies

A 35-year-old male patient, Mr. V.S. (PIN: 38215) visited the Borivali clinic of Life Force on 21st October 2018. He was suffering from a dry cough with a difficulty to expectorate and constantly blocked left nostril. Sometimes, his sleep used to get disturbed because of these discomfo.....Read more

Chronic Asthma Treated Successfully With Homeopathic Medicines At Life Force 

A 17-year-old girl from West Bengal, Ms. A. S. (PIN: 37570) visited and started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for her complaint of Asthma on 3rd August 2018.   
She was suf.....Read more

A 39-year-old lady, Mrs. N.S. (PIN: 42678) visited Life Force Borivali branch on 19th February 2020 for the treatment of Asthma. She was suffering from mild Asthma for a year. She would be affected every time she was exposed to dust. Hence, she was suffering from frequent episodes of asthma. Thes.....Read more

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