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Case Studies

A Senior gynecologist (PIN: 40571), who is working as an assistant professor of physiology in a renowned medical college in Mumbai, consulted at Life Force for her complaint of Dry eye. She started her treatment in July 2019 at Vashi center. She was suffering from this complaint for seven years. .....Read more

A middle-aged gentleman (Patient identification number: 32108) visited Life Force on 9th May 2017 to get treated for his chronic psoriasis which was resistant to steroids and other conventional medicines. The patient was quite worried about his disease and had given up all hopes of recovering fro.....Read more

A 56 years old patient Mr A.K.S. (Patient Identification Number 13223) registered with Life Force for the treatment of residual symptoms of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) on 22nd January 2010. He had poor muscle power in his hands. His fingers were stiff and he could not grip the objects. H.....Read more

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Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Is it safe to combine allopathic medicines and homeopathic medicines?

Homeopathy has not failed but some homeopaths have failed, says Dr Rajesh Shah

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