15+ Years Extensive Steroid Treated Psoriasis Fully Recovered In 5 Months With Treatment At Life Force

A middle-aged gentleman (Patient identification number: 32108) visited Life Force on 9th May 2017 to get treated for his chronic psoriasis which was resistant to steroids and other conventional medicines. The patient was quite worried about his disease and had given up all hopes of recovering from it since no treatment could help him. He visited Life Force on the request by one of his friends who had got completely recovered from her disease condition after taking homeopathic treatment at Life Force. 

The patient suffered from Psoriasis since the year 2000. He had multiple large reddish lesions on his forearms, back, abdomen, legs, and even the scalp was not spared. There was a lot of scaling, however, the itching was minimal. On enquiring about any family history, he mentioned that his father also had psoriasis for a long time. In the past, he had already taken steroids and methotrexate which did not do any good to him. He also applied a few steroid applications that gave him some relief, however, after stopping the applications, the lesions returned intensely. Hence, he had completely stopped all conventional medications since a year and was now on Ayurvedic medications and local application of liquid paraffin since six months. 

Physical Generals:

He was a non-vegetarian by diet and had craving for eggs and sweets. His appetite was average, and other general body functions were found to be normal. The itching used to increase when the patient would sweat profusely. 

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Past History:

There was no major illness in the past apart from typhoid fever.

Family History:

The patient’s father was suffering from psoriasis, and his mother was on antihypertensive medications for hypertension

Self And Family:

The patient was an account executive in a private company. He lived in a joint family comprising of his wife, who was working as a data composer in a newspaper company. He had a son, who was studying engineering, and a daughter, who was a senior specialist in a data company. He had two brothers out of which one was serving in a leading airline and other was a restaurateur. His mother had expired when he was 14-years-old, after which he had started feeling lonely.  

Mental Generals:

His main concern was his disease condition which would make him feel embarrassed to go anywhere in the mob. He would shy away from talking to anyone, shake hands, or attend any social gathering. He had become an introvert and was anxious about his disease condition. 

By nature, he was polite and sensitive. He would curse himself as his wife also suffered because of his health problem. He had given up all hopes of recovery after 10 to 12 years of futile treatment.  


The patient’s case was evaluated by Dr. Rajesh Shah. Dr. Shah explained him the nature and course of disease and gave him a ray of hope about his recovery which would start showing up after three to four months of treatment. He was advised blood tests to check his overall immune status. He also instructed the patient to be regular in taking medicines and be compliant in following up with the doctors. He was also advised to follow a gluten-free diet and regular skin care. He was prescribed medicines for six weeks with a hope to control the disease at the first place.


The first follow-up was an eye opener for the patient that homeopathy acts with the light speed. He had experienced a remarkable 60% improvement when he was examined at the clinic on 13th June 2017. Multiple red patches and scaling had significantly improved on the affected areas. There were no new patches observed. The patient was shocked to see the difference after comparing his current condition with the previous photos. The patient had also bought his medical reports which were suggested to him. In the reports, it was found that he had a deficiency of vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Supplements for the same were prescribed to him for two months. However, the thyroid report was normal.

1)Thyroid profile
- T3: 133
- T4: 6.58 
- TSH: 0.893 
2) Vitamin D3: 3.97 
3) Vitamin B12: 270

Patient visited for the second follow-up on 25th July 2017 where he reported further improvement of up to 90%. Most of the patches had now mellowed down, and there was no sign of any active lesion anywhere on the body after examination. The scaling was negligible, and there was no itching. The patient was quite regular in following all instructions given to him. He was overwhelmed with his recovery which he had experienced unexpectedly within a short span of treatment. The next batch of medicines was prescribed accordingly.

The third follow-up dated 5th September 2017 proved that homeopathic medicines act with the light speed in difficult chronic resistant cases like these. The patient mentioned a recovery of about 98%. He was quite elated by the consistent recovery which he experienced soon after starting the homeopathic treatment. There were no significant lesions anywhere on the body. On request, he shared a video where he shared his experience and journey with psoriasis in the past 15 years. 


Homeopathy is strongly recommended in steroid resistant or steroid dependent cases of psoriasis. Compliance is necessary not only for medicines but also for diet and lifestyle recommendations.

- Written by Dr. Kanchan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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