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Case Studies

Thirty-five-year-old male Mr. Y.K.R. (Patient Identification No: 18352); a resident of Mumbai visited Life Force on 22nd February 2012 for the treatment of Psoriasis.

He presented with mild psoriasis lesions on knees, hands, right ankle and scalp. There were small lesions which had appe.....Read more

Mr. V.T. aged 32 years (Patient Identification Number 17682) reported to the clinic with the complaint of Vocal Cord Nodule on 7 December 2011 He was facing difficulty in speaking and he had throat pain. He was having hoarsenss of voice and his voice pitch had reduced and he couldn`t speak loudly.....Read more

A 65-years-old female patient, Mrs. P. R. B. (PIN 26306) visited Life Force Chembur branch on 25th July 2015 for treating her SLE complaints. She was suffering from SLE for the past seven months. She was suffering from multiple maculopapular eruptions with itching, dryness without flakes, hyperpi.....Read more

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Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

Surgical conditions which can be helped with homeopathy, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

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