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Case Studies

A child of 3 years was brought to the clinic by her parents on 17 February 2007. She was presented with the complaints of white spots. On examination, it was diagnosed as Vitiligo. She had hypopigmented spots around eyes and lips and the spots were present on both sides of the body. The spots inv.....Read more

A 5-years-old boy from the interior part of Maharashtra State in India, Master R.S.G. (PIN 11503) reported at Life Force with his parents and a paternal uncle in December 2008. He was suffering from Asthmatic Bronchitis for 1 year. His acute episodes would start with cold, running nose, dry cough.....Read more

A young vivacious girl who was a tax professional from Hyderabad (Patient reference PIN: 29690) visited Life Force, Mumbai on 5th September 2016 with the complaints of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) that she was suffering since five years. She had complaints of irregular scanty menses with a s.....Read more

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Regulatory policy for New Homeopathy Drug Discovery required - Dr Rajesh Shah’s talk at Jeevaniya Cinference on 17th April 2022.

Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 3

Food and Diet Tips for Vitiligo Patients by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathy

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