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Dr. Rajesh Shah Research Work

Case Studies

A middle-aged lady Mrs J.M.M. (Patient Identification Number 12531) was undergoing the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis at Life Force in August 2009. She had been suffering from Ulcerative colitis since 1996, i.e. since the last thirteen years.


She complained of loose mo.....Read more

Mr. P. C. (Patient ref. no. L-8342), a 49 yrs old male patient, reported to the clinic with the complaint of Cervical Spondylitis. He had been suffering from pulling type of pain in the nape of the neck, since 1 ½ years. The pain radiated to the shoulder and left side of the chest. The pai.....Read more

Mr. A.R.G aged 19 years (Patient Identification Number 15851) was suffering from hair fall. It was a matter of serius concern for him as he started loosing his hair at a very young age. He decided to take an effective treatment for his complaint. He came to know about Life Force from one of his rela.....Read more
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Regulatory policy for New Homeopathy Drug Discovery required - Dr Rajesh Shah’s talk at Jeevaniya Cinference on 17th April 2022.

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Lichen Planus

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