“Successful recovery of Follicular tonsillitis and Fungal Infection of both the soles. ”

This is a case of 28 years old Engineer Mr. T. J. P (Patient Identification Number-20627) who had visited Life Force with complaint of recurrent tonsillitis on 9th February 2013. He had been suffering from tonsillitis since 3-4 weeks. He had multiple septic foci on both the tonsils which were painless. On examination, we saw very extra ordinary large follicles ( pus filled pockets ) on both tonsils. His complaints usually aggravated in the cold weather. He had taken antibiotics for two days. Initially he had pain but now he had no pain. He had no difficulty in swallowing food. He was not even aware of the large follicles. He had an associated complaint of fungal infections on both the soles since 3-4 weeks. Patient said that that usually rainy season aggravated his complaints. A whitish layer used to form on the soles as he used to wear shoes. He also complained of offensive perspiration from his feet since 1 month. He is a vegetarian with good appetite. He preferred warm weather as his complaints got worse in cold climate. He had no specific liking or dislike for any food. He had normal bowel movements. He was working in a private company as an engineer. His family consisted of parents, wife and an elder brother. His wife was an IT professional. His mother was a home maker and his father was an Engineer. His brother was a teacher. He was very anxious by nature. He had marked anticipatory anxiety. He used to work as part time Disc Jockey and before his performance he had to go to the wash room to pass stools due to anxiety. He had some work related stress as he was not a permanent employee. He had a happy family life and his relations with his parents and wife were cordial. His father was suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and his brother was suffering from Psoriasis. They had both recovered with Dr. Shah's treatment. Dr. Shah prescribed him Silica 30c along with research based medicines after studying his case in detail. On his first follow up on 20th of March 2013 he reported with mild improvement in tonsillitis. The fungal infection of his soles was 30% better. On 28th of May when he visited our Borivali branch for his second follow up he reported 25% improvement in follicles (Tonsillitis). The fungal infection of his soles was 75% better.

Recently when he visited the clinic on 12th of July he reported 100% improvement in tonsillitis. There were no follicles seen. The fungal infection of his soles was around 80% better. There was no formation of whitish layer on his soles and he didn't have any complaint of offensive perspiration on his feet.

He was very happy as his anxiety had also reduced by 50%. He is continuing medication to achieve complete recovery.

Dr. Shah’s medicines were effective in treating his tonsillitis and fungal infection of his soles with homeopathy. Such huge follicles without fever or pain suggested a low immunity and Homeopathy was indicated for him, to cure the existing ones and prevent recurrent tonsillitis.

He got very good results in a short period in all his complaints. We have uploaded the photos of the follicles for academic interest.

Uploaded on 1 August 2013, Dr. Ishita

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