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Case Studies

A 57-year-old Gujarati lady from Mumbai, Mrs. B.M. (PIN: 38215) visited Kemp’s corner clinic of Life Force and started homeopathic treatment in October 2018 for her complaint of Fibromyalgia. 

She was suffering from Fibromyalgia for a year. She was suffering from generalized .....Read more

A 24-year-old male patient (PIN: 39404) visited the Sassoon Branch of Life Force Homeopathy Clinic 18th February 2019 for his complaints of urticaria.


The patient complained of severe urticaria with angioedema which was affecting him since his childhood. In b.....Read more

A 28 years married young lady Mrs. N.S. (PIN 13108) reported to the center for severe hair loss after pregnancy. She was loosing around 300-400 strands of hair per day. She said that when ever she combed hair, she experienced hair falling.

Though post-pregnancy is a common period for ha.....Read more

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Listen to Dr. Rajesh Shah’s insightful thoughts on vitiligo, a serious skin condition.

Role of Homeopathy in Diabetes (Type 1 and 2) explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Anxiety Neurosis

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