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Case Studies

Case of a three-year-old boy from Delhi, Master A. S (Patient Identification Number: 14896) was brought to Life force for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome on 29th September 2010. He was suffering from nephrotic syndrome since past two years i.e. from the age of one. Detailed case-taking reveal.....Read more

A Thirty-two year old female Miss.V.M (Patient Identification Number 28245) from New Delhi Started Online treatment for her Lichen planus in March 2016. She was suffering from Lichen Planus since July 2014. There were eruptions almost all over her body; on arms, chest, feet, ankles, waist, lower .....Read more

Mr. S.K.P. (PIN: 40682) consulted at Life Force’s Vashi center for the complaint of his migraine in July 2019. He was suffering from the migraine from 6 to 7 years. He had a severe headache. His headache was always unilateral, but the side was not fixed. The pain was continuous lasting from.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr Shah

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Street shows against homeopathy, what do they mean?

Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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