Recurrent Cold and Allergic Rhinitis Treated Effectively With Homeopathy

A 24-year-old young girl, Miss. G. L. (PIN 10410) came to our Life Force clinic with the complaints of recurrent colds which she was suffering from the last 11 years. She was suffering from irritation within the nose, itching, frequent sneezing around 20-50 at a time, runny nose with thin watery discharge, and mild headache. Her sneezing and colds would get worse on the exposure to dust, fiber, and cotton, and was most marked when she used to come in contact with cats as she had a couple of them as pets in her home. She was on antihistamines for a long time but with a little relief from the colds. She would often suffer from hyperacidity with the burning sensation in her chest and abdominal gases. 

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She was an extremely anxious person with an obsession to wash her hands constantly. She was a cleanliness freak and could not tolerate untidiness.

She had an average appetite and thirst. She had a liking for milk and salty things and a strong disliking for sweets. She was sensitive to the cold. Her bowel movements and urine were normal. 

On more probing, it was known she had suffered from many tragedies in life. Her parents were divorced when she was 7-years-old. She was forced to follow discipline by her mother. Every aspect of her life was dominated by her mother; she would rebel but would have to succumb. 

She became a fashion designer. Now, she is an extrovert, quite bold by nature, and extremely anxious with certain inferiority complexes. 

There was a family history of asthma, anxiety, urticaria, and diabetes in the patient’s family. 

On the basis of her detailed case study, Miss. G.L. consulted Dr. Rajesh Shah. Dr. Shah examined her and she was noted to have DNS (Deviated nasal septum) and a nasal polyp in the right nostril. Dr. Shah prescribed her research-based medicines for allergic rhinitis. 

In the initial 4 weeks of the treatment, there was no change in her colds. 

In the 6th week of the treatment, she reported that her sneezing had reduced by 25%. Her runny nose was considerably less. The irritation in her nose was less by 40%. 

In 4 months of the treatment, there was a 50% reduction in the colds and her sneezing was substantially less. She was feeling better than earlier. She stopped with the anti-histamines. She updated that there was a betterment in her gastric complaints as well. Her anxiety had reduced relatively. 

In 6 months of the treatment, Miss. G. L. showed a 75% improvement in rhinitis. She is continuing with the treatment and is under Dr. Shah's care. She exclaims “Previously there was a lot of irritation, itching in the nose and irritability, now I wake up in the morning and breathe freely".


This case study illustrates that homeopathy is quite effective in treating allergic rhinitis and recurrent cold successfully and safely without any side-effects.

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