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Case Studies

Forty two year old male, Mr. S. M. (Patient Identification Number: 22792) visited LifeForce, on 17th May 2014 for his complaint of vocal cord nodule. His complaints started in 2013 with hoarseness of voice. He had taken oral steroids for five days and felt better. His complaint recurred in March .....Read more

Mrs. Sanghamitra, reference number L6591, 35 yrs old lady, presented with colds since 2 years. She had sneezing and nose blocks everyday. She had to take antibiotics 2 to 3 times every week.

Her case was evaluated. She had severe allergy to dust. Her colds would aggravate when exposed t.....Read more

A 53-years-old retired senior Merchant Navy officer, Mr. J. C. (PIN 20210) visited our clinic on 6th November 2012. From the past four months, he was suffering from piles for which he had undergone a surgery two months ago and that did not prove to be helpful. Post-surgery he had developed a mild.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr Shah

Anxiety Neurosis

Ankylosing Spondylitis

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