Vitiligo with hypothyroid responded to homeopathy

    This is the case of a 45-year-old Mrs Y.S.K (L-7712), employed in government service, who reported to the clinic with a known case of Vitiligo for the past one and a half years. Vitiligo was spread across her arms, forearms, legs, chest, back, ears and neck.

    Along with her skin complaints, she also had occasional vertigo since a year, which lasted for about 2 minutes. She complained of loss of balance during the episodes of vertigo. Vertigo used to aggravate on exertion.

    She used to live with her two sons aged 16 and 14. Her childhood and adolescent years were well supported. All her ailments seem to have increased after her husband went missing while he was deputed on offshore duty. She was under a lot of stress as her husband who was working in the merchant navy was reported missing. There is profound sadness. She particularly felt very lonely and hoped to see her husband back. She finds herself busy most of the time, as she is the breadwinner of the family. She gets easily irritated when the children do not listen to her. She weeps easily when she is hurt. She feels better by consolation. Loneliness and insecurity were quite marked. However, she was very sympathetic towards other sufferings.

    She had no family history of vitiligo. Her father was hypertensive. Apart from this, there was no other major illness in the family. She had been taking allopathic treatment for vitiligo.

    Based on her detailed history, she was prescribed Sepia 200 along with phototherapy treatment. After a month of homeopathic treatment, her vitiligo on the forearm and neck was better by 40 %. The spots on her legs had slightly lightened. No new spots were noticeable.

    After 4 months of phototherapy sessions and homeopathic treatment, there was marked improvement up to 75-80 % on the hands, legs, neck, and scalp. Repigmentation had occurred on her legs, neck, forearm, thumb, feet, and back of neck significantly.

    During the course of her treatment for vitiligo, from the narration of her complaints, it was presumed that she might be having some thyroid-related disorder. To confirm her clinical diagnosis, she was advised to get her thyroid levels checked.

    Her reports before starting the treatment:

    • T3: 144 (58-159) ng/dl
    • T4: 7.5 (4.9-11.7)
    • TSH: 6.91 (0.35-4.94) uU/ml

    The elevated levels of TSH showed that she was suffering from hypothyroidism. She was treated for hypothyroidism along with vitiligo. She was advised to get her thyroid levels checked after 3 months. She is still advised to continue treatment in order to see repigmentation on other parts as well.

    There was the overall improvement in her vitiligo patches. This case also shows significant improvement in vitiligo after commencing homeopathic treatment in conjunction with phototherapy treatment.

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    Case Studies

    A 29-year-old male patient, Mr. S.Z. (PIN: 19775) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for the complaint of vitiligo in August 2012.


    He was suffering from Vitiligo since a year. The patches were majorly present on his chest, abdomen, and thighs. When he .....Read more


    A 45-year-old male patient, Mr. Rakesh (Name changed) (PIN: 39195) came to Life Force and started Homeopathic treatment for his complaints of Vitiligo in 2019.


    He was suffering from vitiligo for the last 5 years, and vitilig.....Read more

    A 19-year-old female patient, Ms. P.B. (PIN: 35642) visited the Borivali branch of Life Force on 11th February 2018 for the treatment of her Vitiligo.


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