This is the case of a patient Mr. H.S.D [PIN - L-9340] who presented with hypertrophic Lichen Planus.
This is the case of a patient Mr. H.S.D [Patient Identification L-9340] who presented with hypertrophic Lichen Planus.
He had several large, blackish, thickened and rough spots on the feet, armpits, ankles, lower legs and a few spots on the genitals.

He had mild to moderate itching for the last 1 year making him despair of his recovery. He had performed a Biopsy which confirmed Lichen Planus.
The patient had earlier taken homeopathic treatment for the same complaint but was not better.
The eruptions of LP were brought on by stress.
He also suffered from pain in knees along with hypertension and varicose veins.
The patient was of a large frame. He was vegetarian with a craving for sweets, fried food, and ice cream.
The patient was a calm, logical, adjustive, sincere and honest person, working in a water treatment plant as an environmental engineer.
He had a family history of hypertension and varicose veins.
With temporary relief with conventional medicines, he opted for homeopathy.
He came to Life Force with great hope of relief.
Dr Shah studied his case details and prescribed Silica 30.
His treatment was initiated on 8/02/07.
His complaint gradually improved and he followed up as on 7/7/09 was:-
Lichen Planus better up to 90% with most of the eruptions subsided.
The marks were fading and blending to his normal skin color.
There was a very satisfactory response to the treatment.