Tennis elbow treated successfully with homeopathy...

    Mrs. P.A.A (Patient Identification Number 14591) visited Life Force on 22nd July 2010 for the complaint of severe pain in her left elbow joint. She was suffering since the last one year. She was having severe pain in the left elbow joint radiating to her left arm. There was marked tenderness and stiffness. The movements of left elbow were difficult. Her pain would get aggravated by least movement of elbow joint. She was not on any medication for this pain. She had associated complaint of Vertigo since last one year. She would get giddiness with nausea. She was on Tablet Vertin 32 mg (betahistine hydrochloride) per day.

    She was also suffering from Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus since last 4-5 years and was on regular allopathic medicines for the same. She had a family history of Diabetes Mellitus and under active Thyroid. Her appetite was good. She was very fond of spicy food. Micturation and bowel habits were normal. She would get profuse perspiration all over the body. She could not tolerate extremes of temperature. Her sleep was good. Mrs. P.A.A was a home maker, staying with husband and three children. Her husband had his own business. Mrs. P.A.A was short tempered. She would express her anger on her children. She would get hurt easily. She has become irritable due to pain. Her daily activities were getting hampered because of the pain.

    Her husband was suffering from ischemic heart disease. She was very worried about his health. Her case was studied by Dr. Shah and she had been prescribed Sepia 30c. She gave her first feedback on 28th August 2010. There was not much change in her pain in the left elbow. The stiffness and vertigo was better. She could reduce the dose of Tablet Vertin to 16mg per day. Her case was reviewed and her medicines were upgraded. Dr Shah prescribed Sepia 200c along with Thuja Occidentalis 200c.

    On 27th October 2010, she reported 30-40% improvement in the elbow pain. She could move her elbow little bit. Stiffness had reduced by 30-40%. Her Vertigo was further better. She could manage without Tablet Vertin. There was further improvement in her elbow pain in the next two months. On 15th December she reported 80-90% improvement in her left elbow pain. The pain was localized to left elbow; there was no radiation of pain. The intensity of pain was reduced by 80-90%. Vertigo had reduced completely. She was very happy with such a smooth recovery. She could do her daily activities without facing any discomfort.

    (Uploaded on 31st Mar 2012 by Dr GAJ)

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