Remarkable Improvement In Recovery From Multiple Corns Found In Short Period With No Recurrence With Life Force Homeopathy

    Master K.C. (PIN: 37582) came to Life Force Homeopathy on 4th August 2018 for treatment of corns, from which he was suffering from 5 years. During the time of case-taking, he had 5 corns on the right foot, 20 on left foot, 1 corn on the left thumb, and 1 corn on the right palm, and they were hard, quite rough, and would cause pain on applying pressure. There was a family history of corns present, as even his mother was having corns during her pregnancy. He had not taken any medication and only had used corn tape twice. After a detailed case study and evaluation of the symptoms, Dr. Shah prescribed him medications accordingly.


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    During his first follow-up within 6 weeks i.e. on 26th September 2018, there was an overall improvement of 25% in his relief in the condition. No new corn had appeared. The existing corns showing an improvement in terms of relief. His corns, which were hard earlier, had turned soft and he was experiencing lesser pain on pressure.

    When he gave his second follow-up, there was an overall further 30% improvement. No new corns had appeared. And, among the existing corns on the left thumb and right palm, improvement of about 80% was observed in terms of recovery from the condition. The corns on the left and right feet were showing slow improvement. The pain on pressure had reduced.

    When he gave his third follow-up, a further 30% improvement in recovery from corns was noticed. No new corns had developed, but the pain on pressure was more during this period. The corn on his right palm had completely vanished, and the rest were showing a further sign of improvement in terms of relief.

    During his fourth follow-up on 13th February 2019, a further 30%-40% improvement in the recovery from the condition was observed. No new corns had developed, and the pain was pressure had reduced a lot. The corns on his right palm and left thumb had completely vanished, and the rest corns on his feet had reduced in number and were further showing signs of improvement. The patient is still under the treatment and showing signs of further improvement.



    Corns whether single or multiple can be easily treated with homeopathy with fewer chances of relapse. Corns tend to reappear, and there can be a tendency of multiple corn formation. Homeopathy is effective in breaking this tendency without any side-effects. Homeopathy, thus, offers a safe and long-term to a permanent solution for corns.


    • Written by Dr. Shraddha Jadhav, Associate Doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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    Corns are a thick hard patch of skin or bump on the skin. They most often develop on the feet and toes of hands and fingers that are constantly subjected to pressure and friction.

    Causes of Corns:

    The following are the causes of corns

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