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    Mr. R. P, thirty-seven years of age (PIN no. 25778), visited Life Force on 23rd May 2015 Chembur Branch. The patient was suffering from multiple joint pains that were Polyarthralgia since one year. Both the knee joints, left elbow, the Ribs, ankle, heels, feet, neck etc would be very painful with.....Read more

    A 29 yrs old male Mr. A. M. (Patient identification number S-5933) came to our clinic to seek treatment of genital herpes from almost 2 years. He complained of reddish pin point eruptions at tip of the penis and shaft with itching which increased in evening, at night and he felt better after hot wat.....Read more

    Mr S.S-- PIN Number L-10159; Multiple Sclerosis.

    A young man of 26 years age came for treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. He was diagnosed with MS 2 years ago. He experienced weakness and numbness on the right half of the body followed .....Read more

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    Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 3

    Role of Homeopathy in Diabetes (Type 1 and 2) explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

    Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

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