Complaints of recurrent headaches since the last few months. She would land up with headache every 2 to 3 days and the pan would last for about 10 to 15 minutes.

    Sixteen years old female Miss. M. P. P. (Patient ref. no: L5533) reported to the clinic with complaints of hair loss since one year. She had been losing about 50- 60 hair daily and this was much more than what she would lose normally previously. She also had complaints of dandruff and itchiness of the scalp due to this.

    She also complained of recurrent headaches since the last few months. She would land up with headache every 2 to 3 days and the pan would last for about 10 to 15 minutes. This pain would be worse in the morning and would be completely gone after 10 to 15 minutes.

    Her appetite was normal and she liked spicy food in general with a marked aversion to milk. She would sweat profusely and there was no particular odour of the sweat. She was a lean female constitutionally.

    She stayed with her parents and was the only child in the family. She was a studious child and feared failure in exams. She was sensitive and would be moved to tears easily. She would get irritable at times but would calm down soon.

    There was history of any significant illness that she had suffered from in the past. There was no history of any major illness in her family either.

    Based on the above history she was prescribed one of the research remedies that have been developed at Life force center for hair loss. She improved remarkably in just 3 months time and her hair loss came down to just about 10-15 hair daily. Her headaches were practically gone during this span. She continued medication for another 1 month after which she was asked to discontinue medication since she was completely fine. Later, she would follow up with us only when she would have any occasional health problem.

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    A 44-year-old female patient from Mumbai, Dr. K. P. (PIN: 44111) started online treatment from Life Force clinic in November 2020 for her complaint of hair fall. 

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