Chronic Liver Disease With Cirrhosis Treated At Life Force Effectively

    A 33-years-old man, Mr. P.A.G. (Pin no-24175) consulted at Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of liver cirrhosis on 26th November 2014. His liver cirrhosis was diagnosed six months back. The patient visited our centre with the symptoms of tenderness under and below his right-side ribs. This was a case of non-alcoholic chronic liver disease with cirrhosis. His hepatitis B & C both were negative. On investigation, chronic liver disease with cirrhosis with mild splenomegaly was detected in his reports. The patient had already started following allopathic medicine. Besides liver cirrhosis, the patient was also suffering from renal calculus since 6 months. He had the tendency of recurrent renal calculus.

    The patient was a non-vegetarian by diet. He liked sweets a lot. He was very fond of meat, fish, eggs, & chicken. The patient did not like salty & spicy food. He didn’t like milk. He was intolerant to hot weather. His thirst was very less. His bowel movements, urination, and sleep were normal. He saw snakebite dream quite frequently and that would wake him up. He had suffered from tuberculosis, malaria, and hepatitis B in the past. He had taken the AKT & antiviral treatment in the past.

    He was a police constable. His wife was a homemaker. He had one daughter.

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    He was reserved in nature. He got irritated on small things. He was not of mixing nature outside. He was quite nervous in nature.

    In his family, his father died due to liver failure, and his mother died in burn accident at home.  

    Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed him his research based molecules and Bovista 30.

    After five weeks, he gave his follow-up on 7th January 2015. Relief from the pain in the right hypochondriac region showed some improvement, and the tenderness in this area had also improved by 50%.

    On his next follow-up on 25th April 2015, he reported a good improvement in the relief from pain. His frequency of pain had reduced a lot. His renal calculus condition was asymptomatic after starting our medicine. He was not facing any complaint. His motion and appetite had improved significantly. He had stopped consuming non-vegetarian food.

    A few months later on his follow-up on 2nd November 2015, his condition was under control and all his symptoms showed a good improvement. But, he had faced bleeding per rectum twice in the last week. Except this, his condition was under control. So, as per his condition, Dr. Shah advised him to do LFT, Vitamin B12, & Vitamin D3 tests. 

    A few months later, when he visited the clinic on 23rd March 2016, his condition had improved by more than 70%. This time his bleeding per rectum had totally stopped. His relief from pain, tenderness, appetite, and stool problems all other symptoms showed a remarkable improvement. In his reports of the recommended tests, his vitamin B12 & vitamin D were low. So, the doctor advised him the supplement for it. His LFT was within normal limits.

    On his follow-up on 10th November 2016, he reported a good improvement in his health. There was no aggravation in his condition. All his previous complaints responded well to the homeopathic medicines. He had not faced any pain in the right hypochondriac region since 2 months. 

    On his follow-up on 31st March 2017, he reported a good improvement in those symptoms which were aggravated a few days back. Overall his condition responded very well to the homeopathic medicines.

    In his recent follow-up on 11th October 2017, his condition was improved by more than 80%. There was no tenderness & no pain. No other symptoms were seen. All his complaints showed good results with homeopathic medicine. He was very happy with the treatment. 

    He is still continuing the treatment for further recovery.


    As it is known fact that homoeopathic medications can prevent the progress of cirrhosis, however they cannot cure the scarred tissues, as it is not possible to regenerate scarred tissues. However, homeopathic medicines restored majority of the normal functions of the liver in this case.

    - Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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    A 33-years-old man, Mr. P.A.G. (Pin no-24175) consulted at Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of liver cirrhosis on 26th November 2014. His liver cirrhosis was diagnosed six months back. The patient visited our centre with the symptoms of tenderness under and below his right-side ribs. This.....Read more

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