Chronic Allergy treated in a short span with Homeopathy

    A 24-years-old young man Mr. A.P. (PIN 31895) who was an event manager, visited Mulund clinic accompanied by his father on 14th April 2017 for treating his complaint of allergy.

    He was suffering from an allergy since 12 years of age, but its frequency had increased for 2 years. Every day, he used to suffer from the episode of allergy that would last for 1 to 2 hours. He suffered from itching in both the eyes, irritation after rubbing the eyes that used to cause redness, & watering from eyes. Sometimes, he used to get some sticky discharge after rubbing his eyes. His complaints used to get worse in warm weather and dust, and he used to feel better after rubbing eyes, washing with water, and applying an ice pack over it. He was using eye drops once daily from 2 to 3 months without much relief. He was not having any visual disturbances.

    His father was suffering from hypertension & skin allergy. His paternal grandfather was suffering from eczema, and his mother was suffering from urticaria and allergic bronchitis. There was a strong history of IHD on both maternal & paternal sides.

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    He was a non-vegetarian by diet. He used to like spicy, non-veg, & seafood, and he had no specific dislikes. He had an average thirst and perspiration. He was sensitive to the cold climate. His bowel movements, urination, and sleep were normal.

    He was working as an event manager & also pursuing his MBA. His father was CAG Office: Assistant account officer and his mother was CAG Office: Assistant account officer. His younger sister was in 12th Std. He was introvert by nature. He had a fear of heights. His parents were demanding & strict.

    Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed him Pusatilla Nigrance 30 along with research-based medicine for his allergy.

    He visited Life Force after two months, on 26th May 2017, for his first follow-up. He reported an overall considerable improvement in the relief from his complaints. The intensity of his complaints was the same, but its frequency had reduced considerably.

    When he visited Life Force’s Mulund branch after 2 months on 4th July 2017, he was glad to report 80% improvement in the relief from his complaints. The relief from the frequency & intensity of his symptoms was much better. Relief from itching in eyes was better by 80%. The redness has gone. He experienced no watering from eyes. He had stopped using eye drops completely.

    He was advised to continue the treatment for a few months for further improvement and better management of his allergy.


    This case illustrates that homeopathic medicines have a highly effective role in treating allergies. Constitutional tendencies can be treated very well and relapses can be further prevented with homeopathic medicines.

    (Written by Dr. Dhanashree, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)

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