Homeopathic Treatment for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
Frequent episodes of urinary tract infections are common conditions, especially among females. Conventionally, courses of antibiotics are administered. Though antibiotics take care of the acute infection, antibiotics never prevent a recurrence. Homeopathic comes to the rescue which helps control and prevent recurrences of urinary tract infections.
Infection of any of the organs of the urinary tract such as those of kidneys, Ureters (tube between kidney to the bladder), urinary bladder, and urethra, may broadly be called a UTI. Specifically following terms are used: pyelonephritis or nephritis (infection - inflammation) of the kidney; ureteritis (for ureters), cystitis (urinary bladder), and urethritis (urethra). Pyelonephritis is generally a serious condition.
Causes of UTI:
Urinary tract infection is most common in women affecting the bladder and urethra.
Infection in the bladder: It is also known as cystitis mainly caused due to E-coli bacteria it is mainly decent from the gastrointestinal tract as the urethra opening is close to the anal opening in females, bacteria travels and causes infection, commonly seen in the young sexually active women.
Infection in the urethra: It is also known as urethritis it is caused mainly due to sexual intercourse, as urethral proximity to the vagina sexually transmitted diseases like STDs, Gonorrhea, and Herpes simplex can also cause urethritis.
Symptoms and signs:
The symptoms are as follows:
- Cloudy or bloody urine, which may have a foul or strong odor.
- Low-grade fever (not mandatory that everyone will have a fever).
- Constant pain or burning while urination.
- Cramping or sensation of pressure in the lower abdomen, occasionally in the back.
- Frequent and Strong urge to urinate, even after the bladder has been emptied.
Diagnosis & Tests:
A urine sample is usually collected to perform the following tests:
- Urinalysis: urine is examined to look for white blood cells, red blood cells, and bacteria, and to test for certain chemicals, such as nitrites in the urine. Most of the time, your doctor or nurse can diagnose an infection using a urinalysis.
- A urine culture may be done to identify the bacteria in the urine.
- CBC (Complete blood count)
- Blood culture
- Sepsis (Blood infection) - risk is greater among young, very old adults, and those with low immunity(for example, due to HIV or cancer chemotherapy)
- Kidney damage or scarring
- Kidney infection
Conventional treatment: For mild bladder and kidney infections, oral antibiotics are usually recommended because there is a risk that the infection can spread to the kidneys.
- For a simple bladder infection, oral antibiotics for 3 days (women) or 7 - 14 days (men). For a bladder infection with complications such as pregnancy diabetes, or a mild kidney infection, usual antibiotics for 7 - 14 days are recommended.
- It is important that you finish all the antibiotics, even if you feel better. People who do not finish their antibiotics may develop an infection that is harder to treat.
Homeopathic treatment:
For acute UTI: Homeopathy is effective for acute UTI in most cases. If there is no adequate response in symptoms and bacterial count in urine after 5 days of homeopathic treatment, and if the infection is very severe, it may be advised to opt for conventional medicine.
For recurrent UTI:
Homeopathy has a significant role to place especially in the cases of recurring UTIs. As said earlier, the recurrence of UTI is a common challenge and conventional antibiotics have little role in preventing the recurrence. Homeopathy proves very effective in controlling, and reducing the frequent attacks of UTIs.
Your attending homeopathic physician may choose the right medicine based on the symptoms. Some of the commonly indicated medicines include Sepia, Cantharis, Staphysagria, Mercurious solubus, Nitric acidum, etc.
Sepia officinalis: Sepia homeopathic medicine for urine infection has distinct symptoms during Urinary tract infection; the urine has an unpleasant smell that is quite stronger than usual. There is a constant urge to pass urine but passes only a small amount of urine. There is sharp and burning pain which intensifies as urine concludes, and painful urination, especially at the end. There is the presence of yellowish particles or sediments in the urine which suggests infection. There is a constant sensation of fullness in the bladder even if it is not full. The one who needs sepia has the feeling of pressure and heaviness in the lower abdomen resembling labour-like pains. There is irritation and a burning sensation in the urethra which is worse after urination. The symptoms of UTI are worse after sexual activity. There is general tiredness and irritability accompanied along with urinary tract infection.
Cantharis: Cantharis urinary tract infection homeopathic medicine is indicated for UTI with severe burning pain that accompanies the act of urination. There is a constant urge to urinate with scanty output. There is severe excruciating pain before, during, and after urination experienced throughout the urination. Urine occurs in small, painful drops rather than a steady stream. There is the presence of blood in the urine, and haematuria indicating inflammation or injury. There is a strong desire to drink water but feel worse or unable to consume liquids, worsening of symptoms after consuming cold beverages. There is cramping and spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and bladder region. The patient is restless, agitated, and feels uneasy accompanying the physical symptoms of discomfort.
Staphysagria: This remedy for Staphysagria homeopathic treatment for uti is indicated when there is a painful burning sensation that worsens during and after urination. There is a persistent urge to urinate with minimal urine output. The pains are sharp, and stitching is felt in the bladder area. There is discomfort and pain during urination following sexual activity. There is involuntary urination during sleep, and urine leaks while sleeping often accompanied by a sense of embarrassment. The bladder pain is better by physical activity like walking. The urinary bladder feels overly sensitive and easily irritated. The symptoms of UTI intensify with emotional strain and stress. The smell of urine is strong and unpleasant. There is a feeling of discomfort with minimal desire to drink fluids.
Mercurius Solubilis: Mercurius solubilis urine infection homeopathic medicine is indicated for UTI when such have the following symptoms profuse, foul-smelling urine. There is burning pain with frequent urination associated with a frequent need to urinate. There is discomfort and a compelling need to urinate urgently. There is inflammation of the bladder causing significant discomfort. The UTI symptoms are accompanied by excessive salivation and unpleasant breath. There is swelling and sensitivity in the genital area. The urine is highly acidic and irritating. There is general restlessness and irritability accompanying the Urinary tract infection symptoms.
Homeopathy is strongly recommended in all cases of recurring Urinary tract infections.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)