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Case Studies

A 22-years-old girl, Ms. P.J. (PIN 28998) consulted at Life Force center on 16th June 2016 with the complaint of psoriasis. The patient was suffering from psoriasis for the last 1 year. Her disease had started with a spot on the right forearm that was gradually spreading to the other parts of her.....Read more

A 61-year-old male, Mr. S.M. (PIN: 32952) from Mumbai visited Kemp’s corner branch of Life Force and started homeopathic treatment from us in July 2017 for his complaint of Lichen Planus. 

He was suffering from lichen planus since the past 1 year. There were lesions present o.....Read more

A 35-years-old man from Patna, Mr. R. K. (PIN 23545) started treatment at Life Force Homeopathy on 9th September 2014 for his complaint of ankylosing spondylitis.

His HLA B27 was positive. He was suffering from continuous aching pain and stiffness in the neck and hip from the last 12 ye.....Read more

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Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

Why should one opt for homeopathy?

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