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A young boy 29yrs(PIN 11308) presented with history of migraine. He had headaches for 7-8 years. Since the last 17 months there was an enormous increase in the headaches. The attack was once or twice in a month. It used to start with symptoms of white yellow spots before the eyes. The headaches were.....Read more

A young boy R.S., (Patient Identification Number 13060) was brought to Life Force Center by his parents for the treatment of warts.

He was suffering from recurrent complaints of warts since eight years.

Warts on.....<a style='color:#8c451b;font-weight: bold;' href='../../casestudies.aspx?CS_ID=8336'>Read more</a> </div> </div> </div><div class='panel panel-default'><div class='panel-heading' role='tab' id='heading2'><h4 class='panel-title'><a class='collapsed' role='button' data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion2' href='#collapse2' aria-expanded='true' aria-controls='collapse2'>My child is gaining weight after recovery from Asthma with Homeopathy </a></h4></div><div id='collapse2' class='panel-collapse collapse' role='tabpanel' aria-labelledby='heading2' aria-expanded='true' style=''><div class='panel-body'><p>My child is gaining weight after recovery from Asthma with Homeopathy Master R.S.G. (PIN – 11503) a 5 years old boy from the interior part of Maharashtra state India, reported at Life Force with his parents and paternal uncle in December 2008. He was suffering from Asthmatic Bronchitis sinc.....<a style='color:#8c451b;font-weight: bold;' href='../../casestudies.aspx?CS_ID=585'>Read more</a> </div> </div> </div></div>
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Homeopathy is the youngest medical science, needs support, says Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Is homeopathic prescribing based only on the mind symptoms? Explains by Dr Rajesh Shah

Surgical conditions which can be helped with homeopathy, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

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