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Case Studies

This is the case of Mrs. N.S (Patient Ref. No. L-6795) a 70 years old housewife who reported to the clinic for her skin complaints. She had hypertrophic and hyperpigmented skin lesions on both her legs for 5 years. There was much scaling from the lesions and itching was very intense. The lesions .....Read more

Thirty one years old Mrs. S. R. T. (Patient Identification Number-21842) visited our clinic on 28th October 2013. She was suffering from Migraine since she was eighteen years old .She was suffering from right sided headache daily since fifteen days for two hours. The frequency of such episodes recur.....Read more

Mr. V. M. S., 51 years aged gentleman (Patient Identification Number - 6142) visited our clinic on 2nd April, 2010. He had checked his Lipid profile a few days back and it had reported very high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. His blood pressure and weight were within normal limits.

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Regulatory policy for New Homeopathy Drug Discovery required - Dr Rajesh Shah’s talk at Jeevaniya Cinference on 17th April 2022.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Chronic Urticaria Treatment with Homeopathy Explains Dr Shah

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