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Case Studies

Mrs S. C. (Patient Reference Number 12350) opted for the online treatment. She was suffering from lichen planus pigmentosum since ten years. Her face was affected severely by excessive skin darkening, it was a grayish color. There were mosquito bite-like spots on the back and legs. There were tre.....Read more

"Dr, I am just 22 years old and I have to take 6 tablets per day to get normal stools, Please help me out of this illness, please help me..."

Mr. A. R. (Patient Identification Number - 8820) visited our clinic on 30th August 2006 with multiple complaints.

He had been suffering.....Read more

Thirty six years old Mr. N.H. M. contacted Life Force Homeopathy on 15th May 2015 for treatment of fissure-in-ano . He started the treatment through the online portal. His pa.....Read more

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Lichen Planus

Causes of Vitiligo & Theories Responsible for Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reduces Pain Intensity & Frequency of Attacks

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