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Case Studies

A 25-year-old female (PIN: 39323) visited Life Force Homeopathy clinic for the complaints of her Asthma on 9th February 2019. 

She had been suffering from asthma for 15 years. Her complaints had increased significantly for the last three months. She used to suffer from continuous b.....Read more

A 52 years gentleman came for treatment of genital herpes. Mr. V. A. (PIN L-9871) was a fair, stout and good looking person. He had mild manners and had a very dignified look.

He requested for a male doctor and submitted his case details.

Patient was suffering from genital her.....Read more

A 44-year-old lady, Mrs. S.P. (PIN: 37283) visited the Life Force Homeopathy clinic on 3rd July 2018 for the treatment of her complaints of sinusitis. She was suffering from the condition for the past 3-4 years, and the frequency and intensity of her symptoms were increasing gradually .....Read more

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Chronic Urticaria Treatment with Homeopathy Explains Dr Shah

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?

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