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Case Studies

A 23-year-old female from Punjab, Ms. A.G. (PIN: 26161) started homeopathic treatment from Life Force in July 2015 for her complaint of Alopecia Areata. 

She was suffering from it for 2 years. One bald patch was present on her scalp. She was experiencing itching occasionally on her.....Read more

A middle aged lady Mrs. S.Z. (PIN number 10029) registered at our clinic on 18th July, 2006 for treatment of Polymyositis since last 3 years. She was very thin, week and emaciated.

Her symptoms started with the skin.....Read more

A 57-year-old patient (PIN: 43532) enquired at Life Force for the treatment of his complaints of Sinusitis, which he was suffering from for 3 years. Along with sinusitis, he was also suffering from nasal polyp which resulted in a nasal block and, occasionally, epistaxis. His whole respiratory tra.....Read more

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Causes of Vitiligo & Theories Responsible for Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

Which Medicines to Avoid in Lichen Planus? Explains Dr Shah

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