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Case Studies

A 33 years old male patient Mr. R. S. (Patient Ref. No. L4798), reported with complaints of psoriasis since 3 years. He had eruptions on his knees, elbows, back and on his .....Read more

Thirty six years old Mr. N.H. M. contacted Life Force Homeopathy on 15th May 2015 for treatment of fissure-in-ano . He started the treatment through the online portal. His pa.....Read more

Mr. RAG (PIN 32274) visited us on 31st May for treating his psoriasis discomfort. The patient was working at Vijay Engifab. He was suffering from the complaints of psoriasis since 5 yrs. His lesions were reddish & inflamed with scaling.

The patient had a very dry skin along with itc.....Read more

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Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reduces Pain Intensity & Frequency of Attacks

Ulcerative Colitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis

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