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Case Studies

Mr. D.J (Patient Identification Number 8621) was suffering from palmoplantar Psoriasis for more than 15 years.

Psoriasis had started with a dry, itchy lesion on his soles. Palms were affected for last 10 years. There were deep cracks on his soles that would bleed occasionally. Itching a.....Read more

A 25-year-old female (PIN: 39323) visited Life Force Homeopathy clinic for the complaints of her Asthma on 9th February 2019. 

She had been suffering from asthma for 15 years. Her complaints had increased significantly for the last three months. She used to suffer from continuous b.....Read more

Homeopathy Gifts Complete Relief From 4 Years Long Trigeminal Neuralgia In Just 10 Months
42-year-old Mr. K.V.S.P. (PIN 31368) from Hyderabad, Telangana approached Lifeforce Homeopathy Clinic online on 21st Feb 2017 for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, which was troubling him.....Read more

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Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Is it safe to combine allopathic medicines and homeopathic medicines?

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