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Case Studies

43 year old male, Mr. K. R. (Patient reference number L6812) reported to the clinic for complaints of difficulty in writing since last 19 years. He would not be able to hold things properly with his right hand and he would often drop things such as cups, plates, etc while handling them. He said t.....Read more

A 40-years-old lady, Mrs. K.D. (PIN 28987) came for the treatment of hypothyroidism on 15th June 2016 at Life Force. Her complaints had started two years back with facial and pedal edema, multiple joint pain, weakness, lethargy feeling, giddiness, and intense hair fall. Her weight was 70 kgs.

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A 57-year-old lady, Mrs. M.K.C. (LFMPL PIN: 19933) complained about the burning sensation in her mouth for the first time at month end of July 2011. She had a white coating on the tongue for more than a year. In August 2011, jointly ENT specialist, Dentist, and by the department of periodontics f.....Read more

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Tips to lead healthy life by Dr Rajesh Shah

Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Child Asthma

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