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Case Studies

A 44-years-old lady, Mrs. R. M. (PIN 12479) came to the Life Force clinic with the complaints of peripheral neuropathy. She was suffering from numbness, tingling, and burning sensation on both her soles for 3 years. She was experiencing a pulling type of pain with a tingling sensation in her legs.....Read more

60 years old Mr. RF(patient identification number 5405) visited LifeForce on 27th February 2003 for treatment of his psoriasis.
His complaints started in November 2012. He started developing raised, red, shiny, circular eruptions on his bilateral knee joints, elbow joints, forearms. He wou.....Read more

This is the case of Mr. G.A (Patient Ref. No. 4237) a 58 years old male patient who reported to us with complaints of milky urine since 10 years. He had been diagnosed as chyluria (a condition in which lymphatic fluid is detected in urine). His complaints were aggravated by taking oily foods and .....Read more

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Dr Shah's video on Asthma

How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

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