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Case Studies

25 years old Miss T. M. A. visited Life Force on 8th February, 2013. Her patient identification number is 20621. She was suffering from cold and cough since two month. It had increased since last 1 week. She had been taking antibiotics since a month, but there was no relief. She was having pain i.....Read more

Mr. D. S. C. visited Life Force on 10th April 2006. He was 30 years old gentleman. His Patient Identification Number is 8422. He complained of Psoriasis on palms, soles, ankles, scalp, neck and ears since 5 – 6 years. It was spreading rapidly since 2 months. There was considerable itching, .....Read more

Mr. K. S. (Patient Identification Number - 8297) visited Life Force center on 2nd March 2006 for his recent complaint of rapidly spreading Lichen Planus. It had started around 3 months ago. There were eruptions with itching on arms, legs, abdomen, chest, back, and genitals. For last few weeks the.....Read more

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Ulcerative Colitis

Empathy and understanding are the keys to embracing uniqueness.

Role of Homeopathy in Frequent Colds Explained by Dr. Shah

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