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Case Studies

The father of a 6-year-old boy, Mast. Y.M.K. (PIN: 20975), consulted us at Life Force over the phone on 18th April 2013 for his son, who was suffering from recurrent tonsillitis. This ailment was bothering him from one year. The child was suffering from acute and recurrent episodes of tonsil.....Read more

This is the case of Mr. N. D (Patient Ref. No. L-5639) a 34 years old male patient who reported to the clinic, with complaints of pain in the anal region since 10 years. He would get shooting pains in the anal region, that would last the whole day long. The pain would get worst during stools. He .....Read more

The prolapsed intervertebral disc is a condition that refers to the herniation of the intervertebral disc in between the vertebral bones that may injure the outer fibers. Sometimes, it is also called a herniated disc. It is more common in the lower back or the lumbar spine & less common in th.....Read more

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Can onion, coffee, garlic, mint be taken if you are on homeopathic treatment?

Symptoms of Vitiligo: Mild, Moderate and Severe Vitiligo Symptoms by Dr Shah

Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 3

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