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Case Studies

Mrs S S (PIN 11278) a 46 years old home maker from Bhopal, India, reported in October 2008.

She was suffering from Lichen Planus since 20 years. She had multiple patches all over her body. Itching over these patches was so severe that she would scratch untill the lesions bleed. Followed.....Read more

27-years-old resident of Colaba Mumbai Mr. A.G. (Patient Identification Number: 26329) sought treatment at Life Force on 25th August 2015 for his complaints of pilonidal sinus. He had pilonidal sinus since last six to seven months. He would develop it once in a month that would last fo.....Read more

A 61-years-old male patient from Rajasthan, Mr. G.K.K. (PIN 32412) started his treatment at Life Force Homeopathy on 20th June 2017 for his complaint of psoriasis.

He was suffering from psoriasis for 7 to 8 years. His whole body was affected which included his scalp, ears, face, back, u.....Read more

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Tips to lead healthy life by Dr Rajesh Shah

Can onion, coffee, garlic, mint be taken if you are on homeopathic treatment?

Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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