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Case Studies

A 68-year-old retired Assistant Commissioner in Railway Police Force, Mr. J.P. (PIN: 28161) visited Life Force for the treatment of his prevailing ailment of Oral Lichen Planus from which he was suffering for two years. The patient started the treatment for his oral lichen planus on 5th March 201.....Read more

A 31 years old lady Mrs. P. K. [PIN L-7674] came to the clinic for the treatment of fissure-in-ano. She had fissure-in-ano for the past three months. There was a severe, pricking type of pain while passing stools. She experienced pain for several hours after stools. She had to strain for stools. .....Read more

A 29 years old lady , Mrs. J. B. (Patient Identification Number - 15615) availed our online treatment Lichen Planus.

She had noticed first spot of Lichen Planus 18 month ago on her left foot. She had visited her local Dermatologist who had diagnosed it as Lichen Planus. She took his tre.....Read more

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