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Case Studies

Mrs. B. K. S, a 36 years old female (Patient Identification Number – 6875) visited our clinic on 17th July, 2004 for her Psoriasis.

She had been suffering from Psoriasis since 3 years. It had started with the palms and then spread on the whole body. It had rapidly spread all over .....Read more

A 19-years-old young male, Mr. R.M.V. (PIN: 21503) consulted for his Lichen Planus on the 16th of August 2013. He had developed hyperpigmented, scattered, & irregular spots on his ankles, legs, hands, & elbows 15 months back. After taking steroids (Oral & injectable), his eruptions ha.....Read more

My child is gaining weight after recovery from Asthma with Homeopathy Master R.S.G. (PIN – 11503) a 5 years old boy from the interior part of Maharashtra state India, reported at Life Force with his parents and paternal uncle in December 2008. He was suffering from Asthmatic Bronchitis since 1 ye.....Read more
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Lichen Planus

Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 3

Life Force Homeopathy Clinic for Homeopathic Treatment Online & Offline

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