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Case Studies

The patient Mrs. S. S. (Patient Identification Number - 16943) started the treatment for Urticaria on 10th September 2011. The case details were narrated by her husband. She had not come for the first consultation, so her husband gave all the case details. Patient was 22 years old and newly wed. .....Read more

A 26 years old gentleman Mr. L. J. S. (Patient Identification Number - 12940) visited our centre on 21st November 2009, for the complaints of Bronchitis. He had severe dry cough since last 2 – 3 months. The cough had started after he shifted from Pune to Mumbai. The cough was.....Read more

Tennis Elbow Was Well-Treated With Homeopathy At Life Force

If you are experiencing pain in the bony nob of the outer side of the elbow or the arm and wrist along with the stiffness and restricted movement then you may be suffering from Tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is an inflammatory and .....Read more

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Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Shah's video on Asthma

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